Tomšičeva ul. 34
4000 Kranj
Location of Radioclub Kranj
How to get there
Our Radioclub is located in the heart of the old town Kranj. Access by car is not enabled, but you can park your car at a distance of approximately 500 m from all four access points to the city center.
The best alternative is to park in the middle of Jelenov klanec (Ljubljanska cesta), where there is a small parking lot close to under the city tunnels entrance. Staircases will take you to the old part of the city of Kranj. When we get to the top of the stairs, turn right, then from the street Pot na kolodvor, we step into Tomšičeva ulica, turn right and go about 30 m south (click on the image above). Radioclub's premisses are on the 2nd floor.
Location of our society in the old city center of Kranj
2. december, 2013
Annual events
Members participate in competitions every year, mainly every first weekend of the month