p. p. 188
4001 Kranj
Website structure
Translated by S59DR
For easier access to individual websites:
- Christmas, New Year's Greetings
- APRS Developer Bob Bruninga, WB4APRS, SK
- Arg,
- Arg equipment used by our Radioklub society,
- Arg 1st course,
- Arg 2nd course,
- ARON seminar at the RS Civil Protection and Disaster Relief Training
Center at IG, Slovenia
- ARON - Frequency utilization plan,
- ARON - International Exercise - 3rd December 2017 - analysis of the
exercise with guidance; final analysis
- ARON - exercise, 10. 12. 2011,
- ARON - exercise, 29. 10. 2016,
- ARON - News for 2021
- Blegoš anecdotes,
- Blegoš paintings from the archive
- Bogataj's days in Kranj
- City Cleaning actions,
- Membership fee,
- Open Day, Blegoš 04. 07. 2015
- Worki Campaign, 10. 5. 2008
- Worki Campaign, 12. 10. 2010
- Worki Campaign, 12. 5. 2012
- Worki Campaign, 18. 5. 2013
- Worki Campaign, 21. 5. 2014
- Worki Campaign, 14. / 15. 7. 2014
- Worki Campaign, 29. 9. 2018
- Worki Campaign, 3. 6. 2022
- Technique overview, 15. 10. 2022
- Radioklub official hours,
- Society Archives,
- Society radio repeaters,
- Photogallery,
- Frequencies in amateur radio traffic, sorted by channel,
- The documentation for the radio amateur course,
- Materials for an amateur radio course, - exam questions
- IARU, some data
- How to extend the radio license,
- Cycling Race Kranj 2017
- Cycling Race Kranj 2018
- Cycling Race Kranj 2019
- Cycling Race Kranj 2021
- Cycling Race Kranj 2022
- Cycling Race Kranj 2023
- Cycling Race Kranj 2024
- Acronyms in use
- Location of society,
- Find a WWL radio locator
- Radio transceiver user manuals (some),
- Notices to members,
- Bodies of society,
- Basic concepts of ham radio in brief,
- Presentation of radio amateur activities in the Carniolan trenches,
- Registered DMR users
- Repetors, including DMR (Digital Mobile Radio),
- S59BDE - About our Society,
- Joint exercise within the Headquarter of the CZ MO Kranj, on June 13, 2015
- Meeting of members in 2010,
- Meeting of members in 2012,
- Meeting of members in 2013,
- Meeting of members in 2014,
- Meeting of members in 2015,
- Meeting of members in 2016,
- Radio Society membership status,
- Sending QSL cards,
- Statute of our Society,
- ZRS Society Statute,
- Camp Exercise at the Adriatic Coast, September 07 to September 10, 2017
- Exercise RUŠEVINA 2016
- Exercises in 2017
- Subscription-Schedule - Agreement on the use of personal data - forms,
- Minutes of meetings,
- History of our Society,
- First page,
Ham radio call sign recipients:
- Construction,
- Useful links,
- Transceiver User Manuals,
- Municipal civil protection headquarter OŠ CZ MO Kranj,
Assembly of Associations for Technical Culture ZDTK Kranj
- Contest July 6. and 7. 2013 - report
- Grintovec 1972
- Competitions of our members,
- Krvavec competition from 16. to 21. February 2022
- RS marathon - rules
- Bouvet 2022
For future radio amateurs:
- How do I become a radio amateur operator?,
- Exam questions and solutions for 'A' and 'N' grade
- Randomly generated exam and Q & A
- Operator technique
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